Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Grow up Harper

This site from Chris Dwyer, encourages Prime Minister Harper to grow up, stop acting like a big baby and start dealing with the national press corps as an adult. To push the point home, Chris wants you to send pacifiers to help the Prime Minister soothe his troubles away.

From the site:

"Canadians are always going to have questions. The press is there to ask those questions, to keep any government accountable, and I think it's bad policy when a Prime Minister snubs a body that represents public discourse," said another online participant.

Despite the playful tone of their campaign, the group is serious about their message. They have launched a website, www.GrowUpHarper.net, where they will post photos of all the pacifiers sent by Canadians to the Prime Minister's Office. Anyone who wants to send a soother to the PM should take a photo of it before shipping, and have it added to the site.

As a parent of 2 children and a veteran of many long and late evenings using the said pacifiers as a vital tool of continued existence (mine mostly), I can personally attest to their efficacy to calm a petulant child.

I expect national coverage of this site pretty soon.

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