Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hillier staying put

While there's been persistent rumours, in the province and in Ottawa, that General Hillier might be returning to NL to take up a political career, that turns out be nothing but hot air. In a story from the published in the last few days states:
Gen. Rick Hillier wants to make one thing clear – he has no plan to enter politics.

Hillier quips he's in a dead-end job – once his tenure as Canada's highest-ranking officer is done, it's almost certain he's out of uniform. But the outspoken career officer is adamant he has no plans to put his popularity and profile to the test and try a run at political life.

In fact, Hillier actually seems insulted by the suggestion he would even consider becoming a politician, a rumour that made its way around Ottawa this spring. "Political ambition? None ... I never, ever have aspired to a political career."
So much for that.

It's fascinating is how these rumours developed around a man who never ever gave any remote indication that this kind of career change was in the cards. Just as fascinating is how some were ready to slag him on the merest whisper.

Saviors: we worship them, we eat them alive.

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